Gunn Physics








Apple IIe Smart PulleyCart w/ Hanging Weight Smart Pulley Timer
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
How do the graphs change if you use a larger hanging mass?
Macintosh ULI + Motion DetectorFan Cart MacMotion
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
How do the graphs change if you rotate the fan to a 30° angle?
PC ULI + Motion DetectorPull-back Mercedes Logger Pro
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What is the effect of pulling the car back a greater distance?
PC PASCO 500 +

Motion Detector

Fan Cart Science Workshop
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
How do the graphs change if you put additional mass on the fan cart?
PC MPLI + Motion DetectorPASCO Lab Cart on Incline, bouncing from brick MPLI for Windows
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Acceleration vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
PC ULI + Motion DetectorParamedic Vehicle Logger Pro
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Acceleration vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
TI-82 CBL+ Motion DetectorPASCO Lab Cart on Incline - pushed upwards initially GENMOTN2
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
How do the graphs change if you make the incline steeper?
TI-82 CBL+ Motion DetectorFan Cart GENMOTN2
What does the Distance vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
What does the Velocity vs Time Graph look like? What does it tell us?
How do the graphs change if you rotate the fan to a 30° angle?
TI-82 CBL+ Motion DetectorPASCO Lab Cart on Incline (constant speed) GENMOTN2
Adjust the slope so the cart goes at a constant speed when released near the top.
How do you know the speed is constant?
What is the effect of giving the cart a different initial speed?
none Photogate TimerPASCO Lab Cart on Incline none
Generate a Position vs Time Graph and a Velocity vs Time Graph.
none Digital TimerDropped Ball - distance vs time none
Generate a Distance vs Time Graph for a dropped ball.
What is the shape of this graph?
What is the equation? What is the significance of the numerical constants?

Updated 9/14/97